Kipping it Real with Brad!

Each month Overland Park CrossFit recognizes a member who exemplifies our values and motivates others in the gym to push themselves with encouraging words. September’s Athlete of the Month is Brad Claycamp.  Brad was chosen because of how hard he works in the gym and his positive attitude. Brad instantly became a part of the OPCF community the moment he walked through door.  Learn more below about Brad!



  1. What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit workout?

 Immediate thought was “What have I gotten myself into?” followed by “This feels pretty awesome, I’m coming back tomorrow”.

  1. What has been your favorite workout?

I have always been a fan of grunt work style workouts that involve just gritting down and doing the work. Lately though, I have really liked the rope climb workouts that Cody has been programming, the rope climbs have started to really click into place.

  1. What is your favorite cheat meal?

This is a tough one because I love food. First go to would probably be chinese food followed up with a brownie and ice cream for dessert(huge sweet tooth).

  1. Where do you work?     

I am a System Engineer with Cerner working at our Legends campus.

  1. What do you like to do outside of work?

I’m a big fan of golfing although I haven’t made time to get out on the course lately. I also try to take the dogs to the dog park as much as I can. I also like to feed the child part of my heart with a little bit of video games here and there.

6. What advice would you give a newbie just starting at OPCF?

Stick with it, the workouts don’t necessarily get easier but they will feel better as you get better at the movements and increase your strength. Also don’t forget the accessory/mobility work, they will pay off big dividends in the long run.

  1. What is your favorite lift?

Although we don’t do it too often I am a huge fan of the bench press. Pressing of any sort has always been a strength of mine.

  1. What’s your biggest “GOAT”?

HSPU and double unders. I have my double unders but I get shin splints really easy so when that flairs up it is pure struggle bus to string together more than 5 in a row.


  1. What changes have you seen in yourself since starting at OPCF?  

The biggest change has been my outgoingness. Usually I’m pretty introverted and just do my own thing but the community at OPCF is like nothing I’ve experienced before. Everyone is super friendly and encouraging/inviting so it makes it really easy to talk to anyone.



  1. What is your biggest improvement or proudest accomplishment thus far?
As some people may or may not know or have seen the top of my head, I had to
take a year off of CrossFit due to needing brain surgery(feel free to ask about my story when you see me, love sharing my experience). And since AJ only communicates in memes.
So I’m extremely proud to say that I’ve battled back and consider myself to be in better shape physically and mentally then I was even before the surgery.


  1. What is something you have always wanted to do but haven’t yet?
Bar muscle up. I am still working on getting the pulling strength where it needs to be so I can do them properly and string multiples together.