Each month Overland Park CrossFit recognizes a member who exemplifies our values and motivates others in the gym. September’s Athlete of the Month is Kory Robertson. Kory was a Crossfit coach in the past, and it shows! He is always cheering on people around him, and always has a positive attitude and a growth mindset. He has been with us at OPCF for a couple of months and it has been amazing having him here. Read below to learn about Kory and what he has to say! Another unique thing about Kory is that he has a garden and makes some bomb pickles(ask our members)!! We are so happy to have Kory with us at OPCF, and could not be more proud than to recognize Kory for our September Athlete of the Month!
How long have you been working out at Overland Park CrossFit?
– I started going full time back in May of 2023, which is crazy to think because I’ve been welcomed by so many people and have created several awesome relationships in my short time.
What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit workout? Do you remember what it was?
– My first CF workout was back in 2010 and I remember it had to do with doing tire flips, slam balls, and wall balls. That workout kicked my butt and I was hooked because I was fed a big ol’ piece of humble pie!
What has been your favorite workout so far?
– I really enjoyed the workout with 5 reps of muscle up + 2 ring dips because, again, that humble pie tasted bitter sweet.
What did you want to be when you grew up and where do you work now?
– I remember wanting to be a veterinarian when I was young, then I when to college to be an engineer (for half a semester), then I did Kinesiology. I am now a firefighter for the City of OP after my 10 years of coaching fitness.
What do you like to do outside of work?
– I love to golf, hunt, fish, take my boys places to run around and spend time with my beautiful wife, Carissa.
What advice would you give a newbie just starting at OPCF?
– Remember to challenge yourself. That doesn’t mean you have to “kill” yourself every workout. It just means be consistent, ask the coaches for guidance and give yourself small wins with the occasional failure to keep your hunger for humble pie. The big wins will come when you least expect them.
What is on your bucket list?
– A bear hunt, a Canadian moose hunt, and shooting a 160+” deer in KS
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
– I couldn’t go a day without Jesus. I don’t deserve the life I have. I’ve messed up so many times and probably should have died at least 5 times by now, but by the grace of God I have a wonderful family, an awesome job, something to work toward and eternal life with my Creator. If you are wondering what that is like, come talk to me.
If your pet could talk, what do you think they might say about you?
– My lab would tell me I stretch myself too thin sometimes and I forget to stop to give her snuggles. Life gets crazy with kids and I don’t really remember life without them so it is nice to be reminded to slow down and love on my pup that’s been my shadow for almost 9 years.
What is your favorite random fact?
– Pain will always go away. Whether it be the pain of your lungs and muscles burning during a workout, or pain from life beating you up; all pain will cease. The workout will end and you WILL recover from the workout, I promise. All other pain will cease when Jesus returns and finally brings His people home. Again, if you don’t know what I mean, please come ask me.
What is your go-to karaoke song?
– I’m not a great singer at all but if I had to pick one it would have to be “Chicks dig it” by Chris Cagle. You’re welcome.