Kipping it Real with Anna!

Each month Overland Park CrossFit recognizes a member who exemplifies our values and motivates others in the gym to push themselves with encouraging words. August’s Athlete of the Month is Anna Mollman. Anna was chosen because of her commitment to attending the majority of classes every single week, her willingness to learn new skills and accept feedback, her dedication during open gym periods to work on weaknesses, and the fact that she is a positive and joyful person to be around! Her hard work is paying off and we love having Anna as a part of our OPCF community! Learn more about Anna below.

How long have you been working out at Overland Park CrossFit?  I started working out at OPCF in July of last year.

What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit workout? Do you remember what it was? I don’t remember what my first CrossFit workout was, but I knew from that moment that CrossFit was something I really liked and would continue doing my whole life!

What has been your favorite workout so far? It’s hard to pick just one workout that has been my favorite, but I really enjoy the long chipper workouts that challenge me. One of my favorites was last year when I did murph unpartitioned.

What is your favorite cheat meal? Favorite cheat meal: cheesecake. If you eat enough in one sitting it’s definitely a meal.

What did you want to be when you grew up and where do you work now? I always wanted to work in healthcare so I could help people! I currently am a nurse at Shawnee Mission Medical Center. I spend my nights saving NICU babies!

What do you like to do outside of work? Outside of work I love being at the CrossFit gym, staying active, and going to breweries with my friends!

What advice would you give a newbie just starting at OPCF? The advice I’d give to a newbie starting at OPCF is to focus on small steps towards improvement and just have fun.

What is your favorite/least favorite movement? Favorite movement: FRONT SQUATS. Least favorite movement: strict anything.

What’s one Crossfit goal you have set for yourself to accomplish this next year? A CrossFit goal I’d like to accomplish this next year is ring muscle ups.

What changes have you seen in yourself since starting at OPCF? Since starting at OPCF I’ve noticed I’ve made a lot of progress in my technique in various CrossFit movements.

What is your biggest improvement or proudest accomplishment thus far? My biggest improvement is definitely my gymnastics. It’s still a work in progress, but before starting CrossFit I couldn’t do anything that required any gymnastics ability.

How do you fit working out into your weekly schedule? Fitting working out into my weekly schedule is easy because I make it a priority. I often plan my day around making it to the gym because it’s honestly the best part of the day!

What is something you have always wanted to do but haven’t yet? Something that I’ve always wanted to do is skydiving. I plan to do that by the end of the summer!