Kipping it Real with Anna!

Each month Overland Park CrossFit recognizes a member who exemplifies our values and motivates others in the gym to push themselves with encouraging words.  January’s Athlete of the Month is Anna Eftink.  Anna was chosen because of how hard she works in the gym and her positive attitude! She spends extra time working on her skills/movements after or before class and it has been paying off! Learn more about Anna below.

1. How long have you been working out at Overland Park CrossFit?

I started coming to OPCF in August of 2017.

2. What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit workout?

“That was kind of fun! Should I be sweating this much?

3. What has been your favorite workout?

Probably the 5K row we did over the summer. I love rowing, but I really didn’t think I could finish. That was probably the first time I decided I was going to stick with CrossFit.

4. What is your favorite cheat meal?

The kids meal at Culvers! It’s the best deal! The portion is perfect, you get a free scoop of custard, AND if you save up 10 scoopie coupons you get a free kids meal!

5. What did you want to be when you grew up and where do you work now?  

I was that kid who wanted to do everything: doctor, farmer, lawyer, country singer, trick rider, and baker all at once! Now I work as a youth minister at Church of the Ascension.

6. What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work I love to go hiking, read books, play sand volleyball, watch sunsets, fiddle around with food in the kitchen, and catch up with friends or family.

7. What advice would you give a newbie just starting at OPCF?

Don’t be afraid to jump in with both feet! Everyone starts somewhere and we have some really amazing people here who are glad to help you with anything. Be patient with yourself, but set goals and find someone that wants to hold you accountable. I certainly would not still be in the gym without Jon and Emily!

8. What is your favorite lift?

Currently I really enjoy cleans and I love seeing them in the workouts!

9. What’s your biggest “GOAT”?

I really want to be able to kick up into a handstand. The handstand was my first CrossFit goal and I had hoped to get it by Christmas. If you happen to have any tips, suggestions, comments, or advice to offer, I’m all ears!

10. What changes have you seen in yourself since starting at OPCF?  

Especially in the last few months I’ve become a much more confident person again. Moving to Kansas City was considerably harder for me than I wanted to admit for a long time. It was really scary realizing that my first “big kid” job was at the largest Catholic church in the state, and I let it knock the wind out of me for a while. It has taken a hot minute, but I’m finding my voice again! Philippians 4:13 is our school’s theme for the year and I repeat it frequently!

11. What is your biggest improvement or proudest accomplishment thus far?

Getting strict pull-ups! It was a really good day when I finally got those!

12. How do you fit working out into your weekly schedule?

Planners and to-do lists are two of my best friends and I can’t keep organized without them. Workouts are generally scheduled around work and prayer times.

13. What is something you have always wanted to do but haven’t yet?

I want to train for and then run the Pike’s Peak Ascent, which is a half marathon going up Pike’s Peak. It is a horrible idea, but also pretty fantastic!

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